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Tackling Raw Material Scarcity with Additive Manufacturing

Tackling Raw Material Scarcity with Additive Manufacturing

When talking about supply chain underperformance, a common misconception is that bottlenecks in transport logistics are the primary cause. Images abound of ships sitting outside congested ports waiting to be unloaded, geopolitical tensions affecting key shipping...

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The Future of Manufacturing: From Physical to Digital

The Future of Manufacturing: From Physical to Digital

In today's world, people are familiar with the benefits of the physical-to-digital transformation in economies and societies. We enjoy these benefits every day: from immediate access to financial services, connecting with people instantly across the world, or taxis...

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Setting New Rules to Measure Innovation

Setting New Rules to Measure Innovation

Innovation can be measured by setting new rules, not just following old ones. Global guidelines are two words that probably mean everything and nothing to readers. Intuitively, we all know what they mean. A ‘global’ guideline is just that – a gold standard process...

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Digital Warehousing: The Future of Spare Part Supply Chain

Digital Warehousing: The Future of Spare Part Supply Chain

Digital warehousing is a revolutionary approach to supply chain management that is quickly gaining traction among manufacturers and retailers. Using digital inventory solutions, companies can respond to changing market conditions and customer demand with agility and...

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